Based on the Marvel vigilante crime fighter Punisher, this movie has it’s fare share of comic book action and gore that will keep you pined to the screen. Frank Castle has his hands full trying to eliminate New York’s mob boss “Jigsaw” and his army of recruited thugs after Castle’s wife and kids were killed for witnessing a crime scene.
About Denis Lalumière
1255 Articles
Fondateur du site web Cinémaniax en octobre 2006 et grand fan du divertissement au grand écran. Je trippe cinéma depuis que ma mère ma emmené voir Superman : Le Film et E.T. L'Extra-Terrestre et que mon père ma fait découvrir Aliens, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice et Predator. J'adore les films de super-héros, de science-fiction et surtout… Transformers.