manson-family-vacationWe present our guests with double passes, valid for 2 persons for the special screening of MANSON FAMILY VACATION, on Saturday August 1ST, 2015 at the Concordia Hall Theatre (1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West) at 5:00 PM.


Conrad returns home to visit his stepbrother, Nick, and his family. He has sold off his worldly possessions to pursue a new life, but before he does, Conrad convinces Nick to help him document the infamous Manson Family murder sites — all part of the bonding process and finding that family spark thought lost over the years, right?

The Duplass Brothers (BAD MILO) deliver another boundary-testing black comedy with bite. Half grounded drama and half absurdist yarn, MANSON FAMILY VACATION explores the ends to which a family will go to at least understand one another. It features a truly scene-stealing performance by veteran genre actor Tobin Bell (SAW), as Blackbird — his character is a prism, much like the film itself: dangerous and kind, complex and, well, always very human and humane. Directed by J. Davis, MANSON FAMILY VACATION depicts, in a way, the legend of a “changeling child,” those dropped off by fairy folk as a replacement for a human baby. Here the adult male seeks to be reunited with his mythic legacy. The film’s point of view, if you’re receptive to it, is a powerful understanding of our need to belong as human beings, and the semiotics involved with the imagery and cult of Charles Manson, to those who would be outsiders. MANSON FAMILY VACATION, at its core, connects the individual to something larger. And if that larger connection is one of darkness, the message is that’s okay as well — for those of us who live within the horror and hard-rock countercultures, it is a profound and connecting experience.

— Heather Buckley

Show yourself at the Concordia Hall Theatre before 4:30PM with an ID Card to pick up you’re pass for two. We look forward to seeing you at the event.

  • Angie Medrano
  • Belinda Blake
  • Brent Michaud
  • Claudia Tiseo
  • David-Blake Dumberry
  • Denis Brodeur
  • Errachid Lmoussaoui
  • Frederick Duhamel
  • Gauthier Louise
  • Gemma Cocomello
  • Genevieve Brochu
  • George Revelakis
  • Jamal Hajlaoui
  • Matthew Sernuck
  • Michel Dufour
  • Pam Fio
  • Patrick Pomerleau
  • Rehana Patel
  • Rene Beaulieu
  • Robert Lento
  • Sebastian Zapata-Alvarez
  • Valérie Massé
  • Yoan Palardy
  • Zoe Goldwater

ARRIVE EARLY! SEATING IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, except for members of the reviewing press. Theatre is overbooked to assure a full house. Theatre is not responsible for overbooking. This pass does not guarantee seating and must be surrendered upon demand. No one will be admitted without a screening ticket and no one will gain admittance after screening begins except reviewing press. This pass is the property of the studio who reserves the right to refuse, revoke, or limit admission at the discretion of an authorized studio/theatre representative at any time. Duplicate passes will not be accepted. Screening passes are non transferable. This ticket is NOT for resale. Reselling of tickets is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. All those found in violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The studio owns or controls rights in and to the screening program and the contents thereof and the studio expressly reserves all such rights. MPAA – No Recording. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to record the film (video or audio) and you consent to physical search of your belongings and person for any recording device. If you attempt to use a recording device* to record the film, you consent to your Immediate removal from the theater and forfeiture of the device. Nothing contained in this notice shall limit the available remedies the studio may have against you. Unauthorized recording will be reported to law enforcement and may subject you to criminal and civil liability (including damages up to $150,000). *This includes, by way of example only, smart phones and mobile phones with photo or video capture capabilities.


About Denis Lalumière 1255 Articles
Fondateur du site web Cinémaniax en octobre 2006 et grand fan du divertissement au grand écran. Je trippe cinéma depuis que ma mère ma emmené voir Superman : Le Film et E.T. L'Extra-Terrestre et que mon père ma fait découvrir Aliens, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice et Predator. J'adore les films de super-héros, de science-fiction et surtout… Transformers.