[Guest List] THE GOOD LIE

Txtd-Final-Rated-1sht-TGLCONGRATULATIONS! – Cinemaniax presents its guests with double passes to the advance screening of THE GOOD LIE on Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 at the Théâtre Maisonneuve – Place des Arts (175 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montréal, QC H2X 1Z8) at 6:30PM. Please take note that the film will play in English with French subtitles.

GUEST LIST – Show yourself, in between 5:45PM & 6:15PM at the Warner Bros. PR Rep with an ID Card to pick up you’re pass for two. Seats will be given for “first come first in” and will be prone to the availability of the seats. Arrive early! Seating is first come, first-served.

DON”T FORGET! – “Follow us” on Twitter & “Like us” on Facebook and tell us which is your favorite Reese Witherspoon film? Or why do you want to see the film?

THE GOOD LIE ( In Quebec City and Montreal theatres October  17, 2014) They were known simply as “The Lost Boys.”Orphaned by the brutal Civil war in Sudan that began in 1983, these young victims traveled as many as a thousand miles on foot in search of safety. Fifteen years later, a humanitarian effort would bring 3600 lost boys and girls to America. In “The Good Lie,” Philippe Falardeau, (writer and director of the Oscar®- nominated Foreign Language film “Monsieur Lazhar”) brings the story of their survival and triumph to life. Sudanese actors Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany, Emmanuel Jal, and newcomer Nyakuoth Weil, many of whom were also children of war, star alongside Academy Award® winner Reese Witherspoon and Corey Stoll.


  • Claudia Tiseo
  • Jamal Hajlaoui
  • Janka Yanka
  • Pierre Dagenais


About Denis Lalumière 1255 Articles
Fondateur du site web Cinémaniax en octobre 2006 et grand fan du divertissement au grand écran. Je trippe cinéma depuis que ma mère ma emmené voir Superman : Le Film et E.T. L'Extra-Terrestre et que mon père ma fait découvrir Aliens, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice et Predator. J'adore les films de super-héros, de science-fiction et surtout… Transformers.