CONGRATULATIONS! – Cinemaniax presents its guests with double passes to the advance screening of NEIGHBORS on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 at the Cineplex Odeon Forum Cinemas (2313 St. Catherine St. West Suite 101, Montréal QC, H3H 1N2) at 7PM.
GUEST LIST – Show yourself, in between 6:15PM & 6:45PM at the Cinemaniax’s staff with your Fanatix Membership Card or an ID Card to pick up you’re pass for two to see NEIGHBORS. Seats will be given for “first come first in” and will be prone to the availability of the seats. Don’t forget to “like” the official Cinemaniax.Net facebook Page and tell us who’s your favorite comedian? Or why do you want to see the film?
NEIGHBORS (opens in theatres FRIDAY MAY 9TH) Seth Rogen, Zac Efron and Rose Byrne lead the cast of Neighbors, a comedy about a young couple suffering from arrested development who are forced to live next to a fraternity house after the birth of their newborn baby.
Guest List for NEIGHBORS with Cinemaniax:
- Amanda Belli
- Annie Levert
- Antoinette Delia
- Cap Nguyen
- Cathy Hebert
- Christina Munkel
- Eric Parent
- Evan Luxenberg
- Frederic Hamra
- John Lee
- Julie Veillette
- Kaitlyn Day
- Lester Urizar
- Lisa Small
- Maria Petryszyn
- Marie-Claude Poirier
- Martin Robert
- Marvin Rivas
- Mathieu Beaulieu
- Maxime Richer
- Michel Dufour
- Ninon Raiche-Bazinet
- Patrick Bui
- Pierre Dagenais
- Robyn Day
- Sandra Figueroa
- Tony Pulice
- Yvon Rémillard