[Cinemaniax Guest List] JOHN WICK


PRESENTATION – Cinemaniax presents its guests with double passes to the advance screening of JOHN WICK on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 at the Scotiabank Theatre (977 St-Catherine St. West, Montreal, QC. 514.842.0549) at 7:00PM.

JOHN WICK (In theatres October  24) An ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him. With New York City as his bullet-riddled playground, JOHN WICK is a fresh and stylized take on the ‘assassin genre’.

GUEST LIST – Show yourself, in between 6:15PM & 6:45PM at the Les Films Séville Rep with an ID Card to pick up you’re pass for two. Seats will be given for “first come first in” and will be prone to the availability of the seats. Arrive early! Seating is first come, first-served.

DON”T FORGET! – “Follow us” on Twitter & “Like us” on Facebook and tell us which is your favorite Keanu Reeves film? Or why do you want to see the film?



Albert Nguyen Arnold Yaxley Catherine Recart
Chris Mikoluk Cinthia Simon Dov Aron
Guillaume Boursier Heather Abrams Jean-Richard Kenscoff
Jonathan Mianscum Julien Venne Karlane Yaxley
Mireille Gaubiac Philippe Venne Renée-Louise Hamel
Scott Druzin Sophie Tougas Stacy Yaxley


About Denis Lalumière 1255 Articles
Fondateur du site web Cinémaniax en octobre 2006 et grand fan du divertissement au grand écran. Je trippe cinéma depuis que ma mère ma emmené voir Superman : Le Film et E.T. L'Extra-Terrestre et que mon père ma fait découvrir Aliens, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice et Predator. J'adore les films de super-héros, de science-fiction et surtout… Transformers.